About Ed, the Ed in KneadEd
What you seek:
Massage for your needs/ comfort:
I founded KneadEd in 2006 because of my life long interest in studying how the human body (and person) works. It brings me great joy to help people get more out of their body and as a result theyn can more fully enjoy and particiapate in life. 
Education & Advanced Training:
A life long interest in studying how the human body (and person) works, with a focus of helping people get more out of their body and being so they can more fully enjoy life.

I started studying the biochemistry and physiology about 3 decades ago when I got into bike racing.  Moving to Belgium to race, I realized I simply "didn't have it", so returned to school and studied Exercise Physiology.  

Massage School taught me how to notice and work the levels far beyond what has been quantified and verified by absolute science.  

For fun, I like to bike and ski up the mountains.  "Rando Racing" is my new favorite sport- look for me at the very end of the race!
Whenever I have a question, he tells me what he knows, and how he knows it, even it's just though touch. 